Leadership Lessons from IKEA constructive culture

by Aubrey Patterson


The IKEA Effect is a fascinating part of our psychological operating system. Understanding how to use it is hugely advantageous for every leader. 


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Chesterson's Fence constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


It’s best to use a lens of humility and assume that those who came before us knew things we don’t or had experiences we haven't yet encountered.


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Do Your Habits Match Your Dreams? constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Many people want to build new habits but worry about disrupting their current routines. 

Such worries are understandable but rarely warranted....

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A Culture of Creativity communication constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Is it possible for a team to become more creative?

Certainly, but a creative culture requires a fertile ground where new thoughts can grow.


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An Opportunity in Disguise constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Some of our biggest successes can be pretty messy, right?

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. - Oprah


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Seeking Feedback communication compassionate constructive courageous culture

by Melody Stacy


There’s a well-known parable of blind men who, having never seen an elephant, approach one and begin feeling various parts.

One concludes, feeling the tusk,...

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The Success Tax constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


The ladder of success can feel pretty tall and steep sometimes, right?

Author and leadership guru Dean Graziosi often uses the term success tax when referring to the...

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The Winning Lottery Ticket of Commitment constructive culture

by Melody Stacy


There’s a famous experiment about lottery tickets that has some pretty significant implications for leaders interested in building commitment in their teams.


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Staying Curious communication compassionate constructive courageous impact tips

by Melody Stacy


Curiosity killed the cat.

A useful illustration of why we shouldn’t be nosing around in situations that don’t involve us? Maybe. But as leaders, we may want...

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The Problem with Pretty Good constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Would you be willing to change your work habits to make life easier for your future self?

You'd think a quick "yes" would come from most leaders, right?

Sadly, this isn't...

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Our Internal Operating System constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Do you ever just wish for a day during which nothing happens?

Of course you do! We all need a slow day now and then.

However, impactful leaders are generally excited by...

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Domino Falls constructive time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


Just time block it.

People seeking organizational help all too often hear this well-intentioned advice from people whose own calendars display a collection...

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The Ebb and Flow constructive impact tips

by Melody Stacy


The sun-kissed, rejuvenated faces bouncing in to check rosters and decorate classrooms. The fresh-faced anticipation of what’s yet to unfold, open to possibilities...

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Perseverance constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Sometimes, everything goes according to plan. Other times, life feels overwhelming.

Remarkable leaders certainly feel like giving up at times,...

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Calendar Before To-Do constructive time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


A great many swear by their to-do lists, and with good reason. Psychologist, author, and film-maker David Cohen maintains that a completed list greatly reduces anxiety.


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Leaders Walk the Talk constructive meetings time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


We all have good ideas.

And we should share them and hope our teammates elevate them into something remarkable.

When we have an idea but don’t act upon it, at best...

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Habits vs. Willpower constructive time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


Many of us rely on willpower to actualize our biggest goals.

When we want to lose weight, we access willpower to prevent us from eating a piece of...

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The Bee Hive Mentality constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


In 1965, Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, predicted that computer chips would exponentially increase in power while decreasing in size. This became known as...

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I Can Count on You compassionate constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


When others express that they can count on us, it is one of the best compliments we can ever receive.

Being dependable, reliable, and consistent are qualities...

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Someday Isn't on a Calendar constructive time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


When scheduling priorities into your calendar, how often do you place a time block on Someday?

Someday Doesn't Exist on the Calendar

There are seven days in a...

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