What We Appreciate communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson 


People want to work with those who truly value them, right? 

When leaders show gratitude, it’s highly impactful and sets the tone for...

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On the Dot meetings time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


Do you find yourself in meetings that are chronically late to begin? 

To the punctual majority who are often pressed for time, being late is like saying, ...

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If people have to follow you, how do you know you’re a good leader? communication compassionate impact tips

by Aubrey Patterson


A few months ago, our team dove into deep thinking mode on a tough question:

If people have to follow you, how do you know you’re a good leader?

Like so many times...

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Leadership Lessons from IKEA constructive culture

by Aubrey Patterson


The IKEA Effect is a fascinating part of our psychological operating system. Understanding how to use it is hugely advantageous for every leader. 


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Chesterson's Fence constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


It’s best to use a lens of humility and assume that those who came before us knew things we don’t or had experiences we haven't yet encountered.


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Outsmarting a White Bear courageous time blocking

by Aubrey Patterson


Do white bears sometimes show up to ruin a perfectly good evening or keep you up at night?

Ironic process theory, or the white bear problem, says that attempts to...

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Do Your Habits Match Your Dreams? constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Many people want to build new habits but worry about disrupting their current routines. 

Such worries are understandable but rarely warranted....

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Silence Does the Heavy Lifting courageous impact tips meetings

by Aubrey Patterson


Do you have someone on your team who always chooses negativity and can't help but bring the room to the lowest common denominator?

Trying times certainly...

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Swing Thoughts communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


It's very common for a golf pro to ask a student, “What's your swing thought?”

Swing thoughts are the messages in golfers' heads as they address the...

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Clear and Confident with PREP communication

by Aubrey Patterson


Have you ever had to deliver a presentation on short notice?

Maybe you've been put on the spot and asked for your opinion during a meeting or an important job...

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Changing a Crabby Culture compassionate culture

by Aubrey Patterson


Leaders understand that a positive culture relies most upon the person in the mirror.

Modeling a positive attitude is a choice we have every day,...

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A Culture of Creativity communication constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Is it possible for a team to become more creative?

Certainly, but a creative culture requires a fertile ground where new thoughts can grow.


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An Opportunity in Disguise constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Some of our biggest successes can be pretty messy, right?

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. - Oprah


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Seeking Feedback communication compassionate constructive courageous culture

by Melody Stacy


There’s a well-known parable of blind men who, having never seen an elephant, approach one and begin feeling various parts.

One concludes, feeling the tusk,...

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The Success Tax constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


The ladder of success can feel pretty tall and steep sometimes, right?

Author and leadership guru Dean Graziosi often uses the term success tax when referring to the...

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Build Your Team's Circle of Influence communication meetings

by Aubrey Patterson 


Carrying yesterday on our backs is one of the most exhausting exercises in the world.

And how much more tiring is it to carry an entire team's past around...

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The Winning Lottery Ticket of Commitment constructive culture

by Melody Stacy


There’s a famous experiment about lottery tickets that has some pretty significant implications for leaders interested in building commitment in their teams.


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Touch People Before Paper communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


What do you do upon entering your workspace each morning? 

We can choose how we show up. We also have it within our control to...

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Staying Curious communication compassionate constructive courageous impact tips

by Melody Stacy


Curiosity killed the cat.

A useful illustration of why we shouldn’t be nosing around in situations that don’t involve us? Maybe. But as leaders, we may want...

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The Problem with Pretty Good constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Would you be willing to change your work habits to make life easier for your future self?

You'd think a quick "yes" would come from most leaders, right?

Sadly, this isn't...

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