What We Appreciate communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson 


People want to work with those who truly value them, right? 

When leaders show gratitude, it’s highly impactful and sets the tone for...

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If people have to follow you, how do you know you’re a good leader? communication compassionate impact tips

by Aubrey Patterson


A few months ago, our team dove into deep thinking mode on a tough question:

If people have to follow you, how do you know you’re a good leader?

Like so many times...

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Swing Thoughts communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


It's very common for a golf pro to ask a student, “What's your swing thought?”

Swing thoughts are the messages in golfers' heads as they address the...

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Clear and Confident with PREP communication

by Aubrey Patterson


Have you ever had to deliver a presentation on short notice?

Maybe you've been put on the spot and asked for your opinion during a meeting or an important job...

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A Culture of Creativity communication constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Is it possible for a team to become more creative?

Certainly, but a creative culture requires a fertile ground where new thoughts can grow.


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Seeking Feedback communication compassionate constructive courageous culture

by Melody Stacy


There’s a well-known parable of blind men who, having never seen an elephant, approach one and begin feeling various parts.

One concludes, feeling the tusk,...

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Build Your Team's Circle of Influence communication meetings

by Aubrey Patterson 


Carrying yesterday on our backs is one of the most exhausting exercises in the world.

And how much more tiring is it to carry an entire team's past around...

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Touch People Before Paper communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


What do you do upon entering your workspace each morning? 

We can choose how we show up. We also have it within our control to...

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Staying Curious communication compassionate constructive courageous impact tips

by Melody Stacy


Curiosity killed the cat.

A useful illustration of why we shouldn’t be nosing around in situations that don’t involve us? Maybe. But as leaders, we may want...

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I Don't Know What I Don't Know communication courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Have you ever worked for someone comfortable admitting to not having all the answers and who asks questions like, Did I explain this clearly enough?

We Don't Know What We...

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The Power of a Story communication culture meetings

by Melody Stacy


Once upon a time, there was a leader who told powerful stories that influenced her team and led to clarity and cohesiveness around the pillars of her organization.

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Is Your Email a Progress Trap? communication impact tips

by Aubrey Patterson


Has technology really made day-to-day communication easier? 

Most would never choose a return to the days of the fax machine or expensive phone calls in...

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Carry Your Weather communication meetings

by Aubrey Patterson


Have you ever noticed how some people seem to brighten and warm every room they enter?

Like a weather front moving in, everyone feels a change as soon as that person...

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We Don't Have to be Nutella communication courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Do you find yourself saying yes to helping people when deep down you know you should say no?

Taking care of others isn't something remarkable leaders just like...

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Make it Easy for Them to Hire You communication impact tips

by Aubrey Patterson


Are you updating a cover letter and resume for an upcoming dream position?

Most applications are now requested and submitted online. Seems easy enough.

Here's a tip to...

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Leading with Gratitude communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


Early in life, most of us are taught to count our blessings, but this lesson all too often fails to become a habit. When calamity knocks on our door, many of us are not...

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Clarity and a Kind Voice communication compassionate

by Aubrey Patterson


The scenario you're about to read is all too familiar, but are you fortunate enough to know someone who leads like Carla?

Like a Duck

The day is just beginning. The...

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A More Thoughtful Yes or No communication constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Have you noticed how it's become very popular in social media to encourage us to say "no" to anything new?

Build and fortify boundaries. Guard them fiercely with a no.


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A How to Match Our Why communication constructive

by Aubrey Patterson


Jerry walked into the new principal's office and nonchalantly offered a leadership gem that would reframe every future conversation in the school about mission, vision,...

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It’s complicated … or is it? communication constructive courageous impact tips

by Melody Stacy


Are you ready for a pop quiz?


Good. It wouldn’t be a pop quiz if you were.

Ready or not, here we go ...

  1. As school leaders, should we love our staff or have high...
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