Doing a Puzzle Without the Box

constructive courageous

by Aubrey Patterson


Imagine putting together a large puzzle, filled with different images and colors, without the benefit of the picture on the box. It's confusing to know where to place all the pieces without knowing what we're creating from the onset.

Unfortunately, leadership doesn’t come with a box. The picture might only become clear as we put the pieces together. 

If we don’t know the kind of leader we are meant to be, it can be difficult to put the pieces together in a meaningful way. 

Often new and aspiring leaders try putting pieces together based on the images passed down to them by previous leaders and inspirational role models. Sadly, they might get mired in imposter syndrome and become unfairly disappointed with themselves because they lack the pieces others so eloquently displayed. 

So how can we know what our puzzle is meant to become?

It isn't that complicated. 

When we begin with our values and an authentic pause in the mirror, we'll begin with what’s right for us.

It's Not About the Image

It's always nice to have a little help with a challenging puzzle. 

Role models who align with our values can serve as exceptional mentors and puzzle partners when the pieces just won't gently come together. 

You never know what's around the corner unless you peek. Hold someone's hand while you do it. You will feel less scared. - Amy Poehler

Like a rewarding puzzle, leadership is a process. It’s not really about a final aspirational image, but about the journey and the people around the table. 



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