The Highly Effective Math Teacher Series


Whether they are specialists, or more often the case, find themselves teaching Math,

teachers often feel under-equipped when trying to be inspirational, impactful, and meet the diverse needs of their students.


It's entirely possible to quickly learn effective strategies 

and help ALL of your students succeed in Math! 😊









The Highly Effective Math Teacher Series 


Whether they are specialists, or more often the case, find themselves teaching Math,

teachers often feel under-equipped when trying to be inspirational, impactful, and meet the diverse needs of their students.


It's entirely possible to quickly learn effective strategies 

and help ALL of your students succeed in Math! 😊

Getting Your 

Dream Position

6 lessons to help you to prepare your application, stand out in your interview, and communicate as a true professional!





Join California Teacher of the Year, author, and teacher, Alex Kajitani, in these 6 courses ...  


1. Empowering English Learners in Mathematics

2. The Word Problem: Creating Effective Readers in Math Class

3. Math the Write Way: Creating Effective Writers in Math Class

4. Do You Speak Math? How to Get Students Speaking in Math Class

5. The 5-Minute Math Class: Building Conceptual Understanding with Short & Engaging Activities!

6.  Connecting Social-Emotional Learning & Math

That's over 38 on-demand video lessons for Math teachers!

Revisit your lessons as often as you like - kind of like you might do with a favorite episode in Netflix! 

It's exciting to think about a dream position, until we say "hello" to overthinking and imposter syndrome ...


😓 The last thing I need is more stuff to do!

😓 Thinking about another interview makes me cringe!

😓 Everyone will apply for this position ... so how can I possibly stand out!?


I could change a life in Math class?!


Yes ... you can and YOU WILL!

This may feel daunting, but Alex will show you how to quickly get started.

Inspire and empower your students starting today!


⇣ On-demand lessons that are easy to access on a computer or in our app


The Highly Effective Math Teacher Series


Special Introductory Pricing ... Buy1, Get 5! Seriously!


  • Save $100!
  • Instant access to each course for one year
  • All course additions and updates 
  • Warm Demanders' daily quotes and more!

Our lessons are designed for busy people like you. 


⇢ No assessments or running around.

⇢ Short video lessons and many downloads.

⇢ Every lesson is designed for a warm leader.

⇢ View Lesson 1 from Empowering EL Students In Math. 

☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞  



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Download our Kajabi app and watch your lessons on the go!

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Check out Individual Courses

Purchase one course at a time or multiple subscriptions for a team.

Visit Warm U and click on each course card for a full description. 

See all of the Courses


Interested in our Leadership Bootcamp? 

Manage things so that you can lead people!

Are you an instructional coach? new principal? district admin?

This 55-video asynchronous bootcamp is ideal for all leaders who want to optimize their priority management, productivity, and peace of mind!

Learn More About the Bootcamp


Like to see a Customized PD Site? 

One-stop shopping works!

All senior administrators know the amount of time, expense, and paperwork that goes along with offering high quality professional learning.

What if you could have a customized on-demand site, kind of like Netflix, that aligned with your goals, was filled with your team's resources and pics, AND only involved one invoice per year?

Learn More and Check Out Samples

Perfect for new and experienced leaders!

Are you a school or district leader who'd love a great blend of productivity, mindset, and culture building strategies?

Warm Demander U gives you unlimited access to courses like these to accelerate your learning whenever it fits into your busy schedule! 

Click here to learn more!